• Let's search for the truth. The real Truth.

About Me

Let me start with who I am not:     I am not God, He made me, and the day will come when I must answer to Him.     I am not a prophet, nor am I a preacher. I am merely a stone along the pathway, and sometimes a bell ringer.     I am not here to debate with the unbelievers and the enemies of the Most High. When I do speak to them, it is one on one. Often to merely plant a seed, every so often to harvest the seed planted by others, and sometimes, I suspect, it will be to bear witness against them on that terrible day that is coming. This is all nonsense to them anyway.

Who I am:     I worship the only true living God, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob. The God of Israel. The Creator and Sustainer of all things. The Father, Jehovah, Yahweh, the Almighty. His Son is Jesus, Yeshua, the Alpha and the Omega. The Lamb and soon coming King.     I do what I do because I made a vow to Him that made me, to answer the calling that He placed upon me. Not to convince anyone of anything. But to point out dangers and pitfalls that I see to the people of the Most High. It is not my business what God’s people do with the information, but it is my business to sound the alarms.

I walked away from the organized church a while back because, among other things that I will not speak of now, of the idolatry and deceit that plagues it. I am not telling anyone else to walk away from it, but I do admonish all to seek after the Creator first and foremost, then ask Him what you should do. His Son, Jesus the Messiah, paid a very high price so that we can speak with the Father, we should take advantage of it. Don’t worship your service to God, worship God. Don’t allow another to dictate to you how you and your family should worship, just seek out the Father, and ask Him. Personally, I thik we should starve the beast that we, you and I, have created.

When I was nineteen, I decided that I wanted to know the God of my mother. She was far from perfect, but she did instill in this rebellion-prone child a hunger for the Creator that she loved and worshipped. Something that I failed to do for my own children. However, a few years later I became that very prodigal son that we read about in the New Testament. And 25 years later, the Father took me back with open arms.

Now that you know the basics about me, lets ask the questions that should be asked. Let’s set aside the junk that was pumped into us from childhood by the news media, the leaders of our land and the world, and even by our own parents. Let’s dig in and see if we can find the facts to either prove or disprove what we believe to be real.

I don’t have all of the answers, at times I just found out there is a question. None of us do. But all of us that follow Jehovah combined, know most of the answers.

If during this process, you find the Father, through the Son, then you will want to tell someone. You are welcome to tell me, but you should seek someone out, another believer, and tell them. That person will share a special bond with you from that moment on.